Tuesday, 11 January 2011


This is a post to show all of my research.
1. I needed to research album covers, to be able to design a slick and simple one myself.  I took elements of albums I liked and incorperated them into my own. 

The fifth album cover above of the lightbulb was the inspiration behind mine, also I noticed how simple all the covers are.  They all have one image, and a plain background, I think it really works.  It draws all the attention the image and has a strong impact.  If they had other images, the viewer wouldn't be drawn to the main one.  This is why I decided to keep my album cover simple.  My album cover is the last one, and in my more-than-biased opinion, I think it looks as good (if not better) than the proper ones.

Below are the NME magazine covers I focused on and copied into my own work.  I liked how simple they were, yet still full of information.  Each one grabbed my attention for the right reasons.  I liked the plain background and the same use of colour.  Despite each being very different, they have a same theme through-out, the main image is very gripping and hopefully so is mine.  I think mine would suit an NME cover.


If I could make a change to my magazine, it would be the black and white image.  NME don't seem to use desaturated images, so I'd definatly change that.  Also, I'd make the logo the same.  Compared to the original NME logo, ine is too big, rotated and too bright.  I'd fix this using the transform tool and brightness change. 

Below are some examples of the back of example covers I looked at, the last image is my own.  Again, I noticed how simple they were, they usually had one image, and the track listing.  I copied this in my own work.  I think it looks brilliant.

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